Indiana Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists

Happy Upcoming CNS Week - Thank You for Your Dedication and Leadership

Posted 5 months ago by Alyson Keen

Hi CNS Friends & Colleagues,

In recognition of Clinical Nurse Specialist Week, the IACNS Board wants to take a moment to acknowledge the exceptional work you do every day to advance CNS practice and improve patient outcomes. As Clinical Nurse Specialists, you are the torchbearers of clinical leadership and specialty practice expertise.

Your dedication to closing the experience complexity gap is evident in the knowledge and confidence you instill in nurses and the positive culture you foster in the environments you support. You are the culture workers, thought leaders, knowledge brokers, relational coordinators, and implementation scientists in healthcare and beyond.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to delivering evidence-based, high-quality care to patients across Indiana. Your efforts are invaluable in ensuring the best outcomes for our communities.

Over the past year, with your help, IACNS has successfully transitioned to a new name and logo representing the entire state of Indiana. We've also made significant strides in making our business meetings and educational content more accessible through hybrid offerings and upcoming on-demand CE opportunities via the Nursing Network.

Thank you for your collaboration and contributions to our strategic plan, which has enhanced our marketing efforts and strengthened our connections with schools of nursing, nursing professional organizations, and healthcare institutions. Together, we are making remarkable progress towards healthcare transformation leadership and promoting public access to CNS services.

As a special thank you, we are launching our September webinar during CNS Week, titled “Mentoring Across Continents.” Join us on Friday, September 6th from 12-1 EST to hear about how we are making a difference developing nurses across continents.

The IACNS Conference Planning Committee has also been working hard to plan our annual conference, titled "Clinical Nurse Specialists as Implementation Scientists." Registration is now open! Please share the save the date, registration link, and encourage your colleagues to attend. The link to register is: IACNS 2024 Annual Conference - Clinical Nurse Specialists as Implementation Scientists | The Indiana Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists | Nursing Network.  

With Gratitude,

Your IACNS Board

Alyson, Megan, Terry, Tiffany, Haley, Mechelle, Alicia, Macee, Stephanie, & Shannon